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Shipping prices are plummeting
For small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) traders, shipping costs have been falling, helping US exports in particular more price...
Cuba – an enchanting country however you consider it
Cuba - an enchanting country however you consider it. Though only 90 miles from the USA, it feels like a lifetime away.
What you need to know about Lithium-Ion batteries
Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) is the fastest growing battery system in today’s world of electronics. Li-Ion batteries are becoming increasingly...
Managing the supply chain for Lithium-Ion battery packs
Power Products is an Atlanta-area company that partners with OEMs to design, develop and manufacture Lithium-Ion battery packs.
April business conditions continued positive in the Heartland
May 1, 2023 - For a third straight month, the Creighton University Mid-America Business Conditions Index, a leading economic indicator...
PROFILE: Lithuania
A few practical tips for doing business in Lithuania.
Lithuania, extraordinary but little known to westerners
It has been said that each Baltic country has its own unique personality, and traveling through Lithuania puts that idea into sharp...
A sustainable supply chain can help your manufacturing business reduce costs and waste
A sustainable supply chain can help your manufacturing business reduce costs and waste
Canadian Pacific – Kansas City Southern single rail line seamless from Canada to Mexico
On April 14th 2023, Kansas City Southern (KCS) along with its Kansas City de México rail lines will officially merge with Canadian...
Playing in Puerto Rico
“Nothing is better for your soul than to visit Puerto Rico.” – Lin-Manuel Miranda (creator of Broadway’s Hamilton) Walking along the...
SBA Informational Updates
IBNewsmag recently queried the Small Business Administration (SBA) about its program updates. If you have additional questions, contact...
Kansas City's new airport terminal attracts significant national media attention
As reported in a Kansas City Area Development Council post, Kansas City opened its new one-million-square-foot terminal last month. The...
PROFILE: US Territory of Puerto Rico
A few Practical Tips for doing business in Puerto Rico Dress professionally. Business meetings normally do not start on time. Handshakes...
How the Engis Corporation manages its supply chain
Engis Manufacturing company located in the Chicago suburb of Wheeling, Illinois, has become a world leader in the design and manufacture...
February new export orders and imports continued to languish.
March 7, 2023 – According to the latest national and regional reports on business, economic activity in the manufacturing sector declined...
Competing better in the global market
If you are a smaller (SME) international trader, there some keys to growth despite a challenging global market. If you’re producing a...
How smaller companies can compete globally
In today’s variable economy, the need to compete in a world-wide market must become the central focus for small to medium-sized...
Georgia – an ancient European country
At the intersection of Europe and Asia lies a gold mine for interesting sightseeing. Georgia is packed full of rich history and culture.
A Few Tips for Doing Business in Georgia Primary language is Georgian. People are typically very hospitable. Guests are considered a...
Go Global with Amazon e-commerce and the US Commercial Service
Expand your e-commerce export sales with the US Commercial Service (USCS) and Amazon.
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