Current and developing Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)
While May manufacturing was down, US exports and imports increased.
Exports grew in March while manufacturing ticks up
What are Geographical Indication (GI) protections and how do they stymy US agricultural exports?
Sartori Cheese relies on trademark protection and innovation to grow its business around the globe
South Dakota Trade is a new stimulus organization for its state’s export growth
US exports continue decline while trade deficit widens
How a small Midwest custom plastics company picks off larger global manufacturers while working through supply chain challenges
Supply Chain Concerns
Many Common Name Food Producers Face Non-tariff Barriers to the EU
Tariff and non-tariff barriers facing US SMEs looking to increase exports to the EU
Paulson Manufacturing - International, with an EU Distribution Center, faces trade barriers
Iowa Freight Forwarder first builds relationships and trust with shippers to remain flexible
BioMicrobics maximizes container space use to increase efficiency
Port of Kansas City (PortKC) sees river tonnage skyrocket
Collaboration breeds solutions at the Port of New York and New Jersey
Port of Los Angeles has largest number of on-dock assets
Port of Jacksonville benefits for SMEs conducting international trade
Georgia Ports adding 3.5M TEUs capacity
Port of Duluth-Superior opens trans-Atlantic service